In Transformers: Age of Extinction, Optimus Prime and the Autobots face dangerous new enemies from our planet and beyond. To protect the people of Earth, the Autobots join forces with a group of powerful new allies -- the Dinobots! Join the battle against extinction with this 196-piece KRE-O Transformers building set. Imagine you're Optimus Prime, riding into battle on the giant Dinobot Tyrannosaurus Rex, Grimlock. Special Dinoforce Kreon figures attach to the jaws of Grimlock so you imagine he's having a Decepticon-flavoured snack (Grimlock likes his enemies extra crunchy)!
- Build awesome Transformers battles
- Capture the Decepticon Kreon figures in the Grimlock figure's jaws or trap them its tail
- 196 Pieces
- 3 Kreon Figures included: Gold Knight Optimus Prime and 2 Decepticon Vehicons with Dinoforce Technology
- Kreon figures stand around 4 cm (1.5 inch) tall
- Works with major brands
- Product does not convert
Recommended for ages 6 years +
Stock images from the manufacturer are used in this listing. Colours and decorations may vary.
Warning: Choking Hazard - Small parts may be generated. Not for children under 3 years.
Dinobot mouth contains magnet. Product does not convert.